Asana Practice Week Five
I really enjoyed our discussion in class on Tuesday on how asana practice figures into the eight “limbs” of yoga. I never knew that actual yoga poses were a more recent invention it seems to strengthen our bodies for a more important practice, sitting. Being able to sit for long periods of time in the ancient days was so important as it enabled students to listen to masters without discomfort while they talked. The best part is that sitting is still so important today. It is almost a lost art, to be able to sit properly and without aid. Without realizing that sitting was the end goal of asana practice in the ancient times, the results I have been most excited about in the five weeks I have been doing yoga is the strength and knowledge to sit properly. I find myself thinking about sitting in class or while I am studying and knowing how to do it brings so much relief to my back.
Speaking of improvement, I can stand longer too! I stood for about seven hours at Floyd Casey on Saturday as I was working the Bear Zone for Student Foundation for a couple hours before the game. I stood for most of the time, even during time outs with little discomfort. I kept reminding myself to push my front ribs to my back ribs, tuck my tush under, and straighten my back. That knowledge I learned from mountain pose helped me a lot.
While standing and sitting are getting easier, most of the other poses are very slowing moving forward. They may take a while longer to accomplish! But that is okay with me. I am satisfied with the improvement I have made so far!
glad you are improving with sitting and standing.